7th Annual National Summit on Physician Coding,
Billing & Compliance
September 13–15, 2006
Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas
YES! I wish to register online for the 7th Annual National Summit on Physician Coding, Billing & Compliance. I understand the registration fee includes admittance to all sessions, lunch on both days of the main conference and, if I elect to register for the pre-conference, lunch on that day as well, plus refreshment breaks, wine & cheese reception, conference CD-ROM and all working materials. I also understand that if I don’t leave with valuable guidance to help improve my organization’s billing, coding and compliance, I get my entire registration fee back.

5 Ways to Register:
Click Register Now, fill out the online form, print it and mail it to:
Conference Department, 11300 Rockville Pike, Suite 1100, Rockville, MD 20852
Click Register Now, fill out the online form, print it and fax it to (301) 287-2950
Call toll-free (866) 620-5939
Room Discount Extended to Aug. 18 – Book now!
For room reservations, call the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino, 3700 W. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89103, at (888) 746-6955. Be sure to tell the hotel you’re with 7th Annual National Summit on Physician Coding, Billing & Compliance to take advantage of a special room rate of $179 (single/double) by August 18, 2006 or until the Summit’s block of rooms is full. Our hotel room-block sold out early in 2005, so make your reservations early! Any reservation not guaranteed with a credit card will not be held after 4:00 p.m. on arrival day.
Airline Discount
United Airlines offers 7th Annual National Summit on Physician Coding, Billing & Compliance attendees a special discounted rate of up to 10% off published domestic fares. Call NCP Travel at (800) 627-1230 or (301) 831-5079, or call United at (800) 521-4041 and refer to File Number 582PV. Avis Car Rental also offers you a discount. Call Avis at (800) 331-1600 and refer to T706699.
This program has the prior approval of the American Academy of Professional Coders for 5.5 continuing education hours for the pre-conference and 11 CEUs for the main conference. Granting of prior approval in no way constitutes endorsement by the Academy of the program content or the program sponsor. The Board of Advanced Medical Coding (BAMC) has pre-approved the main conference for 12 CEUs.
Conference Sponsors
The 7th Annual National Summit on Physician Coding, Billing & Compliance is sponsored by DecisionHealth, the nation’s leading independent provider of news and billing, coding and compliance guidance for health care professionals. DecisionHealth publishes Part B News, ICD-9/CPT Coding Pro, Specialty Coder’s Pink Sheets, Medicare Compliance Alert, Non-Physician Practitioner News, Private Payer News – each the leader in its field and relied upon by thousands of health care billing, coding and compliance professionals.
Cancellations and Substitutions
If you are unable to attend, you are welcome to send a substitute. Or, if you cancel in writing by August 30, 2006, you can get a full refund. After this date, there is a $100 fee, provided we receive a written cancellation before the conference. Registrants who do not cancel and who do not attend are liable for the full conference fee.
100% Money-Back Guarantee
We’re so sure you’ll find the 7th Annual National Summit on Physician Coding, Billing & Compliance valuable, we back it up with this no-risk guarantee: If you don’t take home expert guidance to help you to improve your coding, billing and compliance with complex Medicare rules, we’ll refund your entire registration fee - and you can keep all of your conference materials.